SJW Group en Connecticut Water Service, Inc. (“Connecticut Water”) kondigden de afronding van hun fusie aan op 9 oktober 2019 | SJW Group

Onder de nieuw herziene fusieovereenkomst wordt Connecticut Water een dochteronderneming van SJW Group. Deze combinatie biedt dezelfde uitstekende voordelen voor klanten, werknemers, aandeelhouders en de gemeenschappen die we bedienen.

Als u een CTWS-aandeelhouder bent, klik dan hier voor uitbetalingsinformatie.

Bezoek onze fusiewebsite hier voor meer informatie over de verdiensten van onze combinatie met Connecticut Water. Bekijk ook de SEC-dossiers en persberichten die SJW Group heeft uitgegeven in verband met de transactie en de bijbehorende speciale vergadering.

SJW Group Persberichten

SJW Group en Connecticut Water Voltooien Combinatie (9 oktober 2019)

SJW Group Kondigt Voorgenomen Uitgifte van Gewone Aandelen aan (26 november, 2018)

SJW Group Board of Directors Rejects California Water Group’s Revised Proposal (17 augustus 2018)

SJW Group Stockholders Representing More Than 31% of Shares Outstanding Express Support For SJW Group’s Revised Transaction with Connecticut Water (8 augustus 2018)

SJW Group Stockholders Representing More than 31% of Shares Outstanding Express Support For SJW Group’s Revised Transaction with Connecticut Water (8 augustus 2018), 2018)

SJW Group and Connecticut Water Amend Agreement (6 augustus 2018)

SJW Group Clarifies Anticipated Regulatory Timeline to Complete Merger with Connecticut Water (13 juli, 2018)

SJW Group Comments on CPUC Order Instituting Investigation of Merger with Connecticut Water (12 juli 2018)

SJW Group Comments on Termination of Connecticut Water Go-Shop Process and Reiterates Support of the Merger with Connecticut Water (18 juni 2018)

SJW Group Comments on Termination of Connecticut Water Go-Shop Process and Reiterates Support of the Merger with Connecticut Water (18 juni 2018), 2018)

SJW Group Board of Directors Mails Important Message to Fellow SJW Group Stockholders (June 4, 2018)

SJW Group Issues Response to Cal Water Comments on Connecticut Water Waiver (May 31, 2018)

SJW Group Board of Directors Issues Letter to Fellow SJW Group Stockholders (11 mei 2018)

SJW Group And Connecticut Water File Applications With Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority And Maine Public Utilities Commission For Approval Of Merger Of Equals (7 mei 2018)

SJW Group And Connecticut Water File Applications With Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority And Maine Public Utilities Commission For Approval Of Merger Of Equals (7 mei 2018), 2018)

SJW Group And Connecticut Water Announce Early Termination Of Har-Scott-Rodino Waiting Period For Merger Of Equals (30 april 2018)

SJW Group And Connecticut Water Committed To Merger Of Equals With Connecticut Water And Its Potential To Create Significant Long-Term Value For Shareholders (19 april 2018)

SJW Group And Connecticut Water Service, Inc. To Combine In All-Stock Transaction To Create Leading Water Utility Company (15 maart, 2018)

SJW Group Presentatie

SJW Group – CTWS Combination Investor Presentation

SJW Group Letters

SJW Group Letter to Elected Officials on Cal Water Withdrawal of Revised Proposal

SJW Group Letter to CPUC Regarding Rejection of Cal Water Revised Offer

SJW Group Letter to the CPUC Regarding Revised Transaction

SJW Group Letter to the CPUC Regarding Revised Transaction

Groepsbrief aan aandeelhouders inzake herziene transactie

SJW Groepsbrief aan gekozen functionarissen inzake herziene transactie

SJW Groepsbrief aan gekozen functionarissen en gemeenschapsleiders inzake Connecticut Water Waiver Amendment

Other Documents

Combined Company Infographic (October 9, 2019)

Eric W. Thornburg – Opening Statement to Connecticut Public Utility Regulatory Authority (15 augustus, 2018)

SJW Group – CTWS Combination Infographic

SJW Group – CTWS Combination Fact Sheet

Shareholder Mailing Insert

SJW Group Contacts

Andrew Walters
Chief Administrative Officer
(408) 279-.7818

Georgeson LLC
William Fiske / Edward Greene
(212) 440-9800; (866) 357-4029, [email protected]

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