接続副詞。 英語での重要なリストと例文

Conjunctive Adverbs (接続副詞)! 以下は、英文法をマスターするための接続副詞の例文リストです。



接続副詞は、2つの独立した節をつなぐ単語です。 原因や結果、順序、対比、比較の関係を表します。


  • Accordingly
  • Indeed
  • Instead
  • Then
  • Thereafter

  • Therefore
  • Thus

  • Likewise
  • Meanwhile
  • さらに
  • また
  • とにかく
  • その上
  • 確かに
  • その結果
  • 逆に
  • 別の場所で
  • 等しく
  • ちなみに
  • However

  • In addition
  • Otherwise
  • Regardless
  • Namely
  • Nevertheless
  • Next
  • Nonetheless

  • Subsequently
  • を意味します。

  • Undoubtedly
  • Yet
  • Now
  • Finally
  • Further
  • Hence
  • Similarly
  • Still

 接続副詞: 重要なリストと例文

接続副詞: 重要なリストと英語での例文

List of Conjunctive Adverbs Examples

Learn conjunctive adverbs examples in English.

  • Accordingly

The material cost increases sharp sharply last year.

  • Aso


  • Anyway


  • Certainly

A generation ago genetic codes were certainly unknown

  • Consequently

My car broke down and consequently I was late.

  • Conversely

Conversely, you might say it is ridiculous.

  • Consequently Certainly
  • Consequently Consequently Consequently Measurement

    • Certainly

    The design certainly looks good on paper.

    • Definitely

    The team will definitely lose if he does not play.

    • Elsewhere

    Discover like this anything anything else else can you find?

    • Equally

    Diet and exercise is equally important.

    • Finally

    They finally found the cat up on the roof.

    • Further

    She was unable or not will give me any further details.Finally

    Selected in the other details…Further

Diet and exercise is equally important.Diet and exercise is equally important.

  • Further

I don’t want to go there, furthermore, I have no time to do so.

  • Hence

It is very late; therefore you must go to bed.

  • However

This is a cheap and simple process.The way is the way of the way of the way of the way of the way of this…

However Heverever Have the way is a cheap and simple process.

  • In addition

You will also, pay to the Bank any losses, costs, expenses or legal fees.

  • Incidentally

Incidentally, I wanted a word with your expenses claim.You can have been a few of you to have been a lot of.

  • Indeed

It is indeed remarkable achievement.

  • Instead

He is too busy, let me go instead.

  • Likewise

The clams was delicious.Likewise, the clams are delicious.

  • Insted
  • Instead Likewise, the clams is delicious.

    • Meanwhile

    Mother went shopping; meanwhile, I clean the house.

    • Moreover

    It was, moreover, waste of time.

    • Name

    Non only one boy was absent, namely Harry.The only only only having the best.

    • Nevertheless

    He was very tired; nevertheless he went on walking.

    • Next

    Don’t keep us in suspense – What happened next?

    • Nonetheless


    • Now

    そろそろ寝よう。 おやすみなさい。

    • Otherwise


    • Regardless


    • Similarly

    Similarly, lawyers parcel out work based on who does that best.

    • Still


    • Subsequently

    He subsequently became chairman of the party.

    • Then

    When war begins then hell opens.

  • Anothers

SubsequentlyHe subsequently.

  • Therefore

Therefore はパリの新聞や雑誌に記事を書いた。

  • Therefore

The car was bigger and therefore more comfortable.

  • This

He was not work hard.

    Therefore のように、彼女は、このようなことをした。

    • Undoubtedly

    Undoubtedly, political and economic factors have played their part.

    • Yet

    I can’t go to the door-Imm not dressed yet.

    I’ve got to be fired.
