Rick Zamperin: CFLコミッショナーのプレーオフ方式案は勝者

Canadian Football LeagueコミッショナーのRandy Ambrosieが現在飛ばしている試運転は、私の考えでは、負けのない提案だと思います。

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Ambrosie is in Hamilton Thursday night as he continues his cross-country tour of CFL cities to chat with team owners, coaches, players – and most importantly – fans of the league.Have a third third night.




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The beauty of Ambrosie’s proposed playoff plan is two-fold.

The idea of changing the playoff format will get talking about it virtually all season long, and the debate will especially heat up as teams jockey for position over the final few weeks of the regular season.All in Japan.

How CFL players stay in the game during off-season – Jan 22, 2020

If implemented, Ambrosie appears to try the new format for two of seasons before determining if it will continue.

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I think it makes more sense if the league tests out any new playoff plan for a five-year period because the larger sample size will give league officials a better idea of whether it works better than the current system.私は、リーグが新しいプレーオフ計画を5年間の期間にわたってテストするならば、より理にかなっていると思う。

